mardi 7 janvier 2020


Patrick Gensau

How many types or levels of security  are there?
As far as security is concerned , there are
Several levels of security," Material Security " Physiological security"  Psychological security" Emotional Security " and last but not least, If we could Mention " Spiritual Security " which can't be Classified as it's  on another higher level of security ,but the lively element which IS the Spirit in Man his " INNER CORE " can't have External restrictions as it's obeying other " LAWS " which  are above human Laws .. The " DIVINE. NATURAL  LAWS "'which has Automatic retro-active effects.

Still " The Spirit in man is a "'CONSISTANCY "magnetically attached To the physical body while on Earth is dependant upon " PHYSICAL SECURITY " for It's integrity , therefore,
" ELECTRONIC SECURITY" is very useful too... Now, we impose
To a child in his first early years.  Because the
Innocent child is still immature and unaware of
His surroundings ...The  SPIRIT " didn't break through to " CONTROL"everything...

Security first level.

Later,He becomes autonomous in adulthood.
As far as , adults security is concerned perfection is not yet achieved with physical
Maturity as he stays unstable because of his
Emotional state of " UNSTABILITY "and spiritual immaturity ...

Look at the Mess and disorders Engendred on  Earthly Level with the " HUMAN BRAIN DEFFICIENCIES...

There is still  lots of " WORK " to be done...